Monday, 13 May 2013

Beginning Android Development

So for with Android development, here are a number of tips from my personal experience. There are number of tips that a developer could follow in his development process. Here are some of the important tips that could be useful for a user and Android developers as well.

Choice of IDE
Although I coded a few applications using IntelliJ IDEA’s community edition without any problem, most of the Android development is centered on Eclipse. For UI drag and drop interface, I don’t care much about Eclipse’s.
You’re Name Space
To uniquely identify you amongst the thousands of other apps available, the Android market uses the package name that you declare in your manifest. It is good idea to get in there early and make sure you can reserve your place, if you know ahead of schedule that you will be releasing a certain application.
Android’s platform patterns
To break the rules you first must know the rules, we all want our applications to be unique. Consider first trying to fit into the way people are already using Android applications, before you start cutting out your unique niche in the Android Market, because there are a lot of apps out there and we want them to play well together. You will already have an eager well educated bunch of users, if you tie yourself into their existing habits.
While creating views, Use hierarchy viewer
To statically explore activity UIs and can help you visualize complicated layouts, the view hierarchy give you a fine way for this purpose.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Tips for Android Application Development

You are going to have your hands full, if you are somebody who wants to start off as an Android applications developer. On various facets of the Android operating system and related technologies, you will need to develop expertise and experience. If you want to develop praise worthy Android apps, you need to take look at following tips that Android Developers should keep in mind.

Learning SQL
To develop highly robust apps on the Android system, you must have the knowledge of SQL. It is important from the developer’s perspective that you have a thorough knowledge of SQL, because this platform uses a storage system that is SQLite based. In case Android stops your application, this ensures the stability of your app and its data. When the application shuts down suddenly is minimized by a long way, the Android’s user interface can connect directly with database query result.
Use and Learn the Best Practice
To meet the most exacting standards of quality, you will fail, if you don’t follow the rules and regulations associated with Android Operating System. You will never be able to develop a successful Android app, if you don’t get the hang of how Android manages the workability of applications and any issues that they might encounter.
Breaking Up the Large Applications
According to the requirements, as a developer, you will have to work on different kinds of projects. As a beginner there is a chance that you won’t be able to handle such large projects comfortably, when you have to code a large application, with varying degrees of complexities.